Find some exciting games to play with the family and break the monotony. Over the next couple of weeks, you could use such a time to bond with the entire family. Games are a fun way to do so.
Because of your support, the first set of people were each (individually) given their #FoodBasketCampaign package! This was done following the standard operating procedures, to ensure we keep within the guidelines stipulated by the Ministry Of Health. Your contribution is welcome.
We appreciate those who have already responded positively to our #FoodBasketCampaign! You too can put food on the plates of a needy family. TOGETHER, we can reach out.
She joined Pendeza Uganda and started saving a minimum of twenty thousand shillings per week.To supplement her income earnings, she initially also did other odd casual jobs because she needed to pay school fees for her daughter
A child, born on the streets! Six years of life on the street does something to you. That was Pendeza David's Story. A baby boy mothered by Pascal Eyang and a father whose whereabouts could not be traced.
I have been challenged. I never thought that this was my kind of thing. I was giving it a few months to see if I really wanted to stay. I think I was not prepared for how broken the broken people were. It has been a growing experience for me and challenge to seek God, over and over again.
As a parent, one of the hardest things to watch is, your children and grandchildren suffer in life. This is the weight that Ruth Nabweteme carried. A mother of 4 children and grandmother of 14 grandchildren inclusive of two sets of twins, Ruth told us that she used to live from hand to mouth.
In 2010, she already had 3 children and was expecting another child. Her husband, a casual laborer who did short-term low-paying jobs, could not support the family. Bukirwa, a housewife who did not have proper education, found herself living in these conditions in a mud-house with no windows or ventilator.
During the many years of growing Pendeza Uganda, nothing beats a story of the unbeliever becoming your best agent of change. Such is the story of Solome Senyondo, a support-staff member at Deliverance Church Makerere Hill.